Friday, May 30, 2008

How to Find a Novel, Short Story, or Poem Without Knowing its Title or Author

Have you ever had a time when you couldn’t remember the title of something you once read? Well, be sure to check out the Lost Title Guide from the Library of Congress for tips on how to track it down!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Apple iPhone: Successes and Challenges for the Mobile Industry

Rubicon Consulting recently released a survey of iPhone users that may be of interest:
The Apple iPhone is easily the most publicized new mobile device in recent memory. But despite all the discussion about the product, there’s relatively little hard information available to the public on its impact. How is it being used? What effect is it having on customers and on the technology industry?

To help answer those questions, Rubicon Consulting conducted a detailed survey of 460 randomly-selected iPhone users in the US. This report summarizes the findings from the survey, and what they mean for users and other companies.

A copy of the report is available in PDF format on the Rubicon Consulting web site.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hoover's Company Records

Selected Hoover's Company Reports are now available via the University Library's Lexis-Nexis online database. To view a company report, do the following:

  1. Access Lexis-Nexis Academic
  2. Click the Business tab underneath the Search tab at the upper-left corner of the screen
  3. Select Company Profiles from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen
  4. Enter the desired company name (i.e., Starbucks) or ticker symbol (i.e., sbux)
  5. In the Sources box:

    1. Uncheck U.S. Company Reports
    2. Select one (or all) of the Hoover's Company Records (Basic, In-Depth, or All Records)

  6. Click Search

If you would like to know more about using Lexis-Nexis, or about finding company information, please ask a librarian!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Idea Generating Session Navigational Aids

University Library staff would like to invite GGU students, faculty and staff to an idea generating session on navigational aids which will be held Wednesday, May 28, from 2-4 pm in room 6211 (formerly known as the faculty staff lounge), 536 Mission Street.

This is part of a summer long project to rethink signage for the University Library, and it may be interesting for Web and other environments as well.

We hope to have several students, faculty members, and staff members, as well as University Library staff, participating in the session.
We know this is a busy time, but we are hoping it will be a fun and rewarding experience for all who participate.

Please rsvp to



Monday, May 19, 2008

"Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies"

Social Networks: What CIOs Need To Know
by Ellen Pearlman, found on CIOZone today, alerted us to blog from Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff:

Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies

The Groundswell blog also led us other neat blogs from Forrester (listed on right of blog screen)

We've been eagerly anticipating the book, Groundswell, which has been on order for the University Library for some time. It is being published this month by Harvard Business School Press. Keep your eyes open for it! We will list it in the University Library Update when it is available. You can check the Update on the University Library website or check the current Update to learn how to subscribe via e mail or RSS feed.

Friday, May 2, 2008


The University Library is pleased to announce its newest database acquisition: OneSource. A ReferenceUSA product, OneSource is the best resource to find company financial data for over 3.7 million global companies, 45,000 of which are publicly traded. In addition to company data, OneSource and its easy-to-navigate search screen offer industry analysis and ratios, news and recent corporate developments, executive information, and analyst reports. All company data (annual reports, 10-Ks, etc.) can be easily exported to Excel for all of your analytical needs.

Librarian Gene Springs will be hosting a OneSource workshop on Monday, May 12, from 5:30-6:30 pm in Computer Lab 4214.

Gene invites you to come and learn about the library's newest company and industry financial database. "If you use ORBIS and CoreReference for your financial research, attend this workshop on OneSource to learn how to utilize this great resource! Company financials, industry ratios, and analyst reports are just the beginning of what this database has to offer your research needs."

Please contact the Reference Desk @ 415-442-7244, or Gene Springs if you would like to learn more about this fantastic new resource.


The University Library has recently added the GreenFILE citation database to our list of online research services:
GreenFILE indexes scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports. This resource offers a unique perspective on the positive and negative ways humans affect the environment. Drawing on the connection between the environment and disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology, GreenFILE serves as an informative resource for anyone concerned about the issues facing our planet. The database contains nearly 300,000 records, full text for selected titles and searchable cited references for more than 200 titles as well.

You can find GreenFILE on the EBSCOhost database selection page. For questions regarding this database, please contact a University Librarian!