Sunday, July 3, 2011

With StatPlanet, Create Interactive Maps and Graphs Using World Bank Data

New York Times article "World Bank Is Opening Its Treasure Chest of Data" today includes mention of StatPlanet which "lets people explore more than 3,000 World Bank economic indicators with interactive maps and graphics." It was developed by Frank van Cappelle, a doctoral candidate at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education in Australia. Check it out! And check out, too, the GGU University Library Data for Decisions LibGuide Want more? Join us for the Data for Decisions workshop at the GGU University Library on July 23 at 3 pm.

For StatPlanet, Frank van Cappelle was awarded first prize in the World Bank's Apps for Development Contest.

For World Bank Data, see

Quote is from The New York Times, retrieved July 3, 2011.

StatPlanet requires Flash.