Monday, April 6, 2009

OECD Updates Web Tool for Analyzing Regional Statistics

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), "recently announced a new OECD eXplorer [], a very powerful web-tool for analyzing regional statistics. The new online geographic visualization is unique because of its focus on regional and states (versus national) statistical data, its large amount of features (from the choice of the color scale to deciding a percentile or uniform distribution) and its slick visual design. The data is based on OECD Regional Database, containing 30 indicators measuring demography, economic and labour market performance, education, healthcare, environmental outputs and knowledge-based activities. As Hans Rosling lectured before, the economic performance and social indicators can vary within countries every bit as much as they do between countries."

Quote is from one of my favorite alert services, Information Aesthetics

Tiny url for link just above is

For easy access to OECD eXplorer, go to
Access requires Adobe Flash 10

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