Monday, June 15, 2009

Finding and analzying company financial data --June 20, 11 am

Finding and Analyzing Company Financial Data

How can you “zero in” on
• company financial data,
• company and industry financial ratios
• investment reports
and other sources for indepth analyses?

Join us for this workshop to explore sources that can help you find and analyze the data you need.

Saturday, June 20, 11 am to noon
University Library, meet at the Reference Desk

If you are interested in this workshop but are unable to attend, please stop by the reference desk, call 415-442-7244 or toll free 1-877-448-8542, or e-mail to arrange for a workshop, in person or by phone and Web, tailored to your needs. Please also send us your ideas for other workshops and library services. We want to hear from you!

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