Friday, December 14, 2007

Instant Message a Librarian

Have you ever had a quesiton for a librarian and been so wrapped up in your online research that you didn't want to pick up the phone? Well, now you can IM a librarian without having to disrupt your research process. Simply type your question into the Meebo window and communicate instantly with a research professional during normal Reference Hours.

New electronic resources

The online catalog provides access to a variety of electronic and print resources. You can find electronic resources, either free or paid for by the library, by searching GoldPac, the library's online catalog. We have added three new ones:

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center. As organic foods and other consumer movements continue to grow, business opportunities follow. Find out more about about the technology and the possibilities that alternative farming methods provide.

Nuclear Energy (a website of the U.S. Dept. of Energy). Although it does not produce greenhouse gasses, nuclear energy presents other challenges and possible hazards. This U.S. Government website contains many full-text documents, such as Congressional Hearings, news reports, press releases, and more. There's more to energy policy and technology than what you find here, but this website provides essential information for a well-rounded examination of the topic.

American Psychological Society: Teaching Resources . A list of links to teaching materials (exercises, online tutorials, etc.) for professors and teachers to use in psychology classes (especially introductory ones). Includes information on pharmacology, neuroscience, as well as most aspects of psychology; some links lead to full-text of classic works in the field that have entered the public domain (that means on the web, full-text, for free). Although mostly of interest to psychology faculty, the glossaries, slide shows, and other full-text offerings may interest students as well.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Free Admission to the Asian Art Museum Saturday

Saturday, December 1st, is Community Day at the Asian Art Museum! All visitors will be granted free admission from 10:00 am-5:00 pm. Here are directions via Google Maps. Hope to see you there!

View Larger Map

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Visit GGU's Free Online Writing Lab (OWL)

Everyone can use a little help when writing a paper, right? Personally, I find myself second-guessing my comma usage all the time. Of course, comma usage is a relatively minor problem. What about using the proper APA citation format? That's a little trickier and can make a big difference in your final grade. Well, there's no excuse for not getting it right (and getting an excellent grade on your paper for that matter) when you have the OWL by your side! GGU's Online Writing Lab is a free service for all GGU students and alumni, and is available for paper submissions 24 hours a day. Just visit the OWL homepage to read about the submission guidelines and then submit your paper. The OWL is a loyal friend to GGU students, but don't get "carried away". Please limit your submissions to 3 pages (up to 3 submissions in a 24 hour period). OWL tutors are super helpful and smart, but they won't correct your paper for you. They will offer you guidance on things like:

  • Grammar and mechanics
  • Organization and development
  • APA documentation (citation formatting)
So take advantage of this great GGU resource and stop stressing about your paper. You've got a wise old companion out there in trees, watching over your shoulder, while you're swilling down Red Bull and obsessing about that darn comma.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Hottest IT Management Jobs; 30 books every IT Leader Must Read and more

Click on CIO Insight,1540,2177590,00.asp to see the top ten most requested articles in August, including

1. The 8 Hottest IT Management Jobs Today and Into 2008
2. 30 Books Every IT Leader Must Read
"Society for Information Management's 2008 list of leadership books ..." GGU students, faculty, staff, and corporate and alumni members with check out privileges who want to borrow any of these --or other books-- please stop by the University Library or contact the University Library via or 415 442-7244. Over Labor Day holiday we are laboring to see which of the 30 books are available via the University Library. Whether they are here or not, we can try to get them for you!

The library will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday, but we will reopen on Tuesday at 10 am, ready to help you achieve academic and professional success.

Happy Labor Day!,1540,2177590,00.asp

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Student video on how library helps students

How can University Library help students succeed? See and hear Ramya Vasu, President of Student Finance Club at Golden Gate University, talk about how University Library can help students. Click on

Thanks to Ramya and to Lynnette Webb of CyberCampus for creating this video!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Safety in the Library

The following is a brief quiz on safety in the library.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Future of Work --BusinessWeek Special Issue

Have you seen the special issue of BusinessWeek on "The Future of Work: How we will master technology, manage companies, and build careers in the era of the global 24-7 workforce"? This BusinessWeek issue for August 20-27, 2007, is available in GGU University Library in periodicals under call number HF5001 .B89 and online to GGU students and faculty via Proquest and EBSCO.

Please know you can always stop by the Reference Desk, call 415 442-7244 or e-mail for help finding this and other resources to promote your academic and career success!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Meet with Orbis Rep Thursday, 3 pm, room 163

Secrets of a financial database revealed! Bring your questions about retrieving financial data to a meeting on Thursday, 3 pm, room 163 of the University Library. Annile Alexander, representative for Orbis Financial Database, will be here to answer your questions and demonstrate searching techniques. Please join us!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Finding and analyzing ratios for companies using Orbis and SAS

Finding Ratios for Companies and Industries Using ORBIS
And Analyzing Data Using SAS

Monday, August 6, 4-6 pm, Lab 4225
Monday, August 13, 4-6 pm, Lab 4225

A Data for Decisions Workshop

University Library staff team up with Dr. Miro Costa, Director, Graduate Department of Operations and Information Technology Management, Ageno School of Business, to offer this workshop. Please contact Janice Carter for more information or to let her know your suggestions for future workshops in this series.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"What's New: Number of ETFs Covered Tops 500"

Financial info on ETFs via Morningstar:*

"ETFs (exchange-traded funds) are one of the hottest investment
concepts to come down the pike in a long while. Nothing demonstrates
their popularity better than their wildfire proliferation.

And Morningstar is on top of the growth. Morningstar Library Edition
includes detailed financial information on the 512 ETFs available

Of those 512 ETFs, we have analysts actively covering 162 of them.
Sonya Morris and Dan Culloton are two of our most prolific ETF
experts. Sonya (who many of you met at the client event we held at
Morningstar during the ALA Annual Conference in 2005) edits and
manages a portfolio of ETFs for our monthly newsletter, Morningstar
ETFInvestor Dan
edits our annual book of full-page reports, Morningstar ETFs 150 Few people
know as much about ETFs as they do.

You and patrons can gain access to ETF information by entering a
name or ticker in the report box on the homepage. You also can use
the ETF Screener (which we introduced in the summer of 2005) to
produce a complete list of ETFs.

In addition to our analysts' commentaries, you'll see our star
rating for these ETFs (introduced winter 2006). It's based on
historical information, like our rating for mutual funds and is a
great first cut for narrowing choices."

Vol. 5 Issue 8 July 10, 2007
By David Valentino
Morningstar e mail to, July 10, 2007

Morningstar is available to the GGU community via the University Library website. For more information, stop by the reference desk, call 415 442-7244, or e-mail

Thursday, July 5, 2007

New and old economics resources

We have a new source for economic data: This will give you all manner of economic data from various government sources for the United States. You will also find LIBOR data for as far back as 1987, stock prices, links to additional sources (including the Bank of Japan and the Central Bank of Europe).

While on the subject of economic statistical data, take a look at a resource we have had online for some years now. For international data you can consult the World Economic Outlook by the IMF. A recently updated link from this publication in our catalog, GOLDPAC, will give you full-text tables of international economic data in MS excel formatted files, easily downloaded to your computer.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Orbis may be unavailable this week end

Greetings, have just found out Saturday am that GGU access to Orbis may be unavailable this week end. We are working to have access to Orbis restored asap.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Other sources for financial data on companies include

--Company Financial reports on Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe
From GGU Database pages, select Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe
Select Business
Select Company Financial Information

--SEC filings via Edgar

--S&P Net Advantage
From GGU Database pages, select S&P Net Advantage.

iTunes U Presentation July 11, noon, room 163

iTunes U presentation, July 11, noon, room 163

Come learn about iTunes U, Apple’s new service for higher education, on July 11, at noon in room 163 of the University Library. Representatives from Apple will demonstrate iTunes U and answer questions. Here is information on iTunes U from the Apple Web site: "iTunes U has arrived, giving higher education institutions an ingenious way to get audio and video content out to their students. Presentations, performances, lectures, demonstrations, debates, tours, archival footage — school is about to become even more inspiring." Quote from retrieved June 30, 2007.

Please RSVP if you can, otherwise just show up. Gilles Poitras

GGU MacUsers Group Meeting July 10, noon, room 163

Macintosh User Group Meeting
GGU’s unofficial Macintosh User Group (GGU MUG) will meet in room 163 of the University Library on July 10 at noon, with representatives from Apple.
Discussion will be on new trends on the Mac as well as discussion of any topics folks wish to bring up. Bring your lunch and ideas and join in.
Please RSVP if you can, otherwise just show up.
Gilles Poitras


Saturday, June 9, 2007

Learn about Daniel Colman's blog tracking college podcasts and his views regarding "the pros and cons of putting recordings of lectures online." Listen to Guide to College Podcasts
available via The Chornicle of Higher Education
Quote from website, retrieved June 9, 2007

Daniel Colman's blog is available via

Note there is a special section for business school podcasts

Daniel Colman is Director and Associate Dean of Stanford University's continuing studies program.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

What Holds Leaders Back? --HBR IdeaCast

What Holds Leaders Back? is the title of this week's Harvard Business Review IdeaCast.

"This week, Harvard Management Update Editor Christina Bielaszka-DuVernay sits down with Marshall Goldsmith, world-renowned coach to executive leaders and author of the recently published What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful. In our HBR IdeaCast interview, Goldsmith identifies some of the habits that hold leaders back and explains what they can do to change these self-limiting behaviors."

retrieved June 2, 2007

P.S. See also June Harvard Business Review article "How Successful Leaders Think," by Roger Martin.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Company Insight Center, via Businessweek

Lary Burg alerted us to The Company Insight Center, available at
According to the website, you can "search over 42,000 public and 322,000 private companies worldwide. Find stock quotes and charts, news and press releases, financials and key competitors. Research compensation figures, biographies, and board relationships of key company executives. Read up-to-the-minute global sector and industry news." Looks like the website is currently in beta. Check it out, and let us know what you think! Quote from, retrieved May 31, 2007

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New government databases

We have found two new databases with lots of business and economic information, for free on the web. You can find links to both of them in the On-line catalog as well as below.

The International Trade Commission has a keyword searchable database of its reports, full text. These include a kind of report called an Industry and trade summary which gives detailed analysis of the prospects for exporting a given product from the U.S. The USITC has recently launched a new publication it called Journal of International Commerce and Economics. The contents of both these sources and more is easily available by searching from the ITC's homepage:

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation maintains a database of financial information and an interface that allows the user to call up tailor-made reports by various geographic divisions (i.e.: state, Metropolitan Statistical Area, etc.) for the finacial information the FDIC gathers. In other words, you can generate reports of market share of deposits by state, or the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index by Metropolitan Statistical area, etc. To reach the page for using the report generator you can search for "market share" from the homepage.
The URL for the FDIC:
The page for generating summary of deposits reports:

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Corporate Foundations --Facts and Forecasts:

"Looking ahead, close to three-fifths (57 percent) of corporate
foundations responding to the Foundation Center’s annual
forecasting survey expected to increase their giving in 2007.
Most of these funders anticipated giving increases above
10 percent. Only about a quarter (26 percent) of respondents
expected to reduce their giving in 2007. By comparison,
34 percent of corporate foundation respondents expected to
reduce giving in 2006. ..." Quote from Foundation Center report
Key Facts on Corporate Foundations, May, 2007, available via

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Demand for IT Pros Up, Supply Down,

eWeek Editor's Pick Newsletter of May 11, 2007 includes
Report: Supply of IT Pros Down, Though Demand Is Up
By Deborah Perelman May 10, 2007
"IT employment has remained essentially flat for the last 11 months because of limited supply of IT professionals, not lack of demand. To the contrary, demand for IT professionals remains very robust with unemployment below 1 percent in many IT skill sets," said Mark Roberts, CEO of" National Association of Computer Consultant Businesses.
Quote from eWeek website,1895,2128533,00.asp?kc=EWEWEMNL051107EP41D retrieved May 12, 2007

For more information, see NAACB press release regarding
April IT Employment Index

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Knowledge Economy in Europe

What is a knowledge economy? What segments constitute the knowledge economy? What are the prospects for growth of the knowledge economy in Europe? You will find the answers to these and other questions in the concise 23 page report by the Work Foundation prepared for the 2007 EU Spring Council : The Knowledge Economy in Europe. This will prove of interest to students and faculty studying competitiveness issues regarding European financial services, high tech and information industries, as well as those seeking forecasts of growth in these industries. The report also evaluates education and health care.

Click here for a list of additional online reports and books, full text, through the University Library's Online Catalog (current GGU ID number required for off-campus access to full-text).

For assistance in using the full-text resources or in improving your search results, please contact the Librarians of the University Library.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Sloan-C Resources on Blended Learning

While I was strolling through the Web one day
In the merry, merry month of May ...

I came upon the Sloan-C Blended Learning website:
"This web site collects and shares resources for educators and administrators involved with blended and hybrid learning."
Quote from:
retrieved May 9, 2007

The website links in to a number of contributed resources, including Blending In: The Extent and Promise of Blended Education in the United States, a Special Sloan-C/Eduventures Report

Saturday, May 5, 2007

International Financing and Investing Resources

Resources for International Financing and Investing are highlighted this week on ResourceShelf.
Shirl Kennedy, Senior Editor, describes some of our favorite web site compilations, including globalEDGE and Vibes.

A good place to start researching international finance is the GGU University Library. Meet us in the library or online. Check our handy research guides, including the guides for Country Research. And remember --you can always consult with a librarian to map out your strategy as you begin your research and throughout the research process.

Plus later this month, GGU University Library will feature workshops on country research and finance resources. See descriptions of upcoming workshops on the GGU University Library website.

So many resources, so little time --Thank heavens for Librarians!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

New Global Corporate Social Responsibility Study from SHRM

Development Crossing brought to our attention the
2007 Global Corporate Social Responsibility Study,
a new study from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) retrieved May 1, 2007

For information about the study and a link to the study, see SHRM press release of April 30, 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007

Streaming Video Content Via blinkx

Amanda Watlington reported in SearchEngineWatch Blog today that
"video search engine blinkx has added PBS streaming video content."
Quote from, retrieved April 30, 2007

When I searched for business topics, I found that blinkx also includes videos from Bloomberg, CNN, EuroNews, CBS, etc. Try searching blinkx for videos of interest to you and your classes. As always, it is important to evaluate each source.

To learn more about blinkx I checked the about page on its website and learned how blinkx receives its content:
"Using automatic spiders that crawl the Web, and through partnerships with 200 leading content and media companies, blinkx has indexed over 7 million hours of video content and made it fully searchable using speech-to-text transcription and visual analysis." Quote from, retrieved April 30, 2007.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Planning and Goal Setting for Small Business

This week, Small Business Bulletin highlights the Small Business Administration Guide--PLANNING AND GOAL SETTING FOR SMALL BUSINESS, which focuses on Management by Objectives. The guide is available via

If you are interested in a free subscription to Small Business Bulletin, available via e-mail, see

Please note that the librarians in the University Library at Golden Gate University are eager to help GGU students, faculty and alumni locate other resources for academic and career success.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Changing Role of CIO

How is the Role of CIO changing?
Check out:
"Setting a Strategic Course"
By Allan E. Alter
in Ziff Davis CIO Insight,1540,2114854,00.asp?kc=EWWHNEMNL041907EOAD
Below are two excerpts, retrieved from the website listed above on April 21, 2007:

"What will you be doing in 2010? according to our latest annual study on the CIO's role, you will be busy creating strategy and exploring new ways to use information and emerging technologies. CIOs may still come primarily from IT's professional ranks, but just 8 percent of the 291 executives we surveyed believe technological acumen is a key skill for success. That's because far fewer believe their main responsibilities in three years will include shepherding IT projects, ensuring data quality, defining IT architecture or even day-to-day managing. And CIOs will be paid well for the privilege of focusing on the Big Picture: ..."

"...While CIOs want to focus on strategy, their bosses need them to pay attention to IT operations. We went back five years to our 2003 CIO Role survey to see whether CIOs believe the personal attributes they need for success have changed—and indeed they have. Leadership and business understanding remain essential. However, CIOs today see strategic thinking as far more important than in 2003, while technical know-how and execution are much less critical. In contrast, consider how CIOs are evaluated: While their contribution to strategy is growing in importance, so too is the IT organization's overall performance, successful project completion, and interaction with business peers. CIOs may be emphasizing strategy at the expense of day-to- day performance; their CEOs, CFOs and COOs want them to focus on both. "

Thursday, April 19, 2007

American business English and Sports

You can read an informative article in USA Today about the heavy use of Sports terminology by American Businesspeople: Do foreign executives balk at sports jargon? Many of the GGU students from foreign countries will likely appreciate the short glossary of sports terms and their use in business discussions found at the end of the article. And native speakers of English may express themselves more clearly to important potential customers and colleagues by removing sports analogies from their speach as much as possible.

As one executive quoted in the article explains, "The Hail Mary is my favorite expression, which doesn't make sense anywhere that isn't football mad. You can establish your American centricity and risk a religious offense at the same time."

The University Library has many electronic books on Intercultural communication which can help students on both ends of the inter-cultural conversation. And the books on Business communication by Roger Axtell make very interesting and enjoyable reading.

(Electronic books are accessible outside of a university building ; Current GGU ID number or Cybercampus ID required. For assistance send e-mail to

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What Your Leader Expects of You --HBR IdeaCast

Listen in on Harvard Business Review's free IdeaCast.

"... Online Editorial Director Paul Michelman talks with Larry Bossidy, former chairman and CEO of both AlliedSignal and Honeywell, and the author of an April 2007 HBR article entitled What Your Leader Expects of You. In our interview, Bossidy will guide us through the key tenets of what he calls "the CEO compact," which comprises both the behaviors bosses should expect from their direct reports, and what direct reports should expect in return. We also look at some of the hurdles that can stand in the way of effective behavior and how to overcome them."
Click on web address below to access audio interview., Quote is from HBR website above, retrieved April 18, 2007

California Leads in Use of Renewable Energy

California Leads Green Rush
Surprisingly, Oakland tops list of cities drawing more juice from renewable energy. April 17, 2007
By Andrea Quong

"Call it the green rush. Californian cities are leading the way to a rosy future based on renewable
energy, a survey of the nation’s 50 largest cities has found. ..."
See the full story via Red Herring,

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Web 2.0 Impact for Business

Web 2.0 Impact for Business --FAST reports on EIU Report:
"Everyone knows that scrappy startups from Silicon Valley are knee-deep in Web 2.0 trends, but what about big business? “Serious business: Web 2.0 goes corporate”, an Economist Intelligence Unit report on global Web 2.0 adoption, answers that question and is now available.
The report findings, initially presented at FASTforward ’07, the industry’s largest business and technology conference for the “search-powered” enterprise, uncovers the current perspectives of senior managers, spanning from their understanding of the definition of “Web 2.0”, to the specific ways it will impact their firm’s revenues, expenses, and operations." ...
“I think that eventually these kinds of Web 2.0 technologies will
transform the business model through community development, 360-
degree view of important product enhancements that should be made."
Harvey Koeppel, chief information officer and senior vice-president at Citigroup Inc’s Global
Consumer Group in New York.
Members of the GGU community can contact for the full report. Quotes from

Monday, April 16, 2007

Leaders Measured by Judgements --interview w Warren Bennis

In CIO articles with Warren Bennis, including Judgment Call, Judgments Demystified, and On Knowledge,
Bennis identifies three kinds of knowledge necessary for good judgments: knowledge of people, knowledge of organizations, and social network knowledge: "the ability to recognize and assess the information that flows all around ..."
April 7, 2007,1540,2113441,00.asp

Saturday, April 14, 2007 --Designed to Help Entrepreneurs

New website Venturehacks bills itself as "an entrepreneur's guide to hacking venture capital." For more information, see Red Herring's article "The Upper Hand: ‘Hacks’ web site coaches founders on VC tactics, but some call trust an issue."
By Ken Schachter
Apirl 11, 2007, available via

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Market Research Using Mobile Technology

Free webinar from Zoomerang and Procter & Gamble on April 26th
Reaching Consumers in Real Time:
Mobile Technology and Market Research web seminar will cover:
> Where and how consumers are willing to take mobile surveys
> How mobile research can add unique insights to your market research
> How mobile technology can provide higher quality consumer insights
with pinpoint accuracy
Date: Thurs, April 26, 2007
Time: 1:00pm Pacific Time
Where: Your desktop
Cost: FREE

Info above from e mail to, April 12, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Applying Management Theories to a Boat Race

Rob on BusinessPundit has fun applying various management theories to a boat race. Here's just a taste:
One Minute Manager - It better be a short race if they are going to win.
Management by Walking Around - Only Jesus can do this for a rowing team.
Balanced Scorecard Management - Crossing the finish line is only one component of winning.
Theory of Constraints - Throw the weakest rower overboard.
Check out full post on BusinessPundit

Blog Helps!

Hi Alice and Janice,
I am an adjunct faculty member at GGU--Janice had spoken at one of my
classes. I just wanted you to know that I am researching an obscure East Bay
historical figure and I used the Yahoo! multi-search tool that Janice
mentioned in her blog entry. I was able to get two additional online
references that led me to further resources at the Albany branch library.
Thank you! You librarians at GGU are such an incredible resource and so
capable. I imagine, though, that sometimes it feels like a thankless task.
Is anyone listening? Just wanted you to know that that blog entry
significantly expanded my research. Thanks again!
Viki Maki

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

100 Smartest Companies for 2007 from Baseline

Baseline features the 100 Smartest Companies for 2007,1540,2111241,00.asp?kc=BLBLBEMNL041007EOAD. What was their criteria? Click on website above for more information.

How Does 80/20 work for you?

Too much work, too little time. A common complaint of our era. Here is a short article that might help sort the wheat from the chaff:
This post is not a promotion for Skillpath seminars, but is provided because we the ideas in the website might be helpful to all.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Top 200 Public Companies in the SF Bay Area

Job seekers and others may want to check the recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle on top 200 public companies in the Bay Area

Thursday, April 5, 2007

New Alpha Multi-Search Tool from Yahoo in Beta

Try out the new Alpha search tool from Yahoo currently in Beta. Alpha is a "multi-search tool that submits your query to multiple sources and aggregates results from all of them on one page," according to (Quote retrieved April 5, 2007)

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Company Financial Information Workshop April 2, 3 pm

Find the financial information you need on companies throughout the world efficiently and quickly using the ORBIS database, Join us for a workshop Monday, April 2, 3-4 pm, in the University Library or stop by the reference desk, call 415 442-7244, or e mail for assistance.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Executive MBA programs profiled in Business Week

The April 9 issue of Business Week has three articles about EMBA students and programs. Of particular interest, Meet the big commuters on campus describes how students from Shanghai fly to San Francisco every two weeks to attend classes. Another article, An MBA, on the family plan, describes the support services that schools offer their EMBA students. These may prove of interest to faculty and administrators. You can also find these in print in the University Library (HF5001 .B89). Please feel free to ask a librarian for assistance. (updated with links on April 17, 2007).

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wireless Web Access in the University Library

We have had wireless capability in the University for a few years. All that has changed are the instructions for configuring your laptop. The University's ETS dept has posted a very clear guide: How to access the wireless network. Once you have your laptop configured it will work with all the hotspots throughout the University building.

Wireless access through your laptop can greatly reduce the time you spend preparing your assignments. Downloading information directly from the databases allows you to cut and paste quoted passages into your papers (and having the full document on your computer helps you in formulating proper citations as well). Your tuition dollars at work!

Who Makes That? --ThomasNet for Company and Industry Research

Looking for an oven to bake cars in? Looking for a security system for a medium sized business? Whatever you need to have to equip a business you can most likely find it in the web version of a favorite business source: ThomasNet

Some may remember to large set of big green books in which you could look up a manufacturer of nearly anything. Now it's easy to do a keyword search instead. And it's free on the web.

This will help those doing assignments relating to writing a business plan (to find out how much something your hypothetical business costs, ThomasNet has a convenient e-mail for to request a quote). If anyone has used this source already or can think of another class assignment for which this would help, please add a comment to this post.