Saturday, February 21, 2009

Resources on the Financial Crisis

Greetings, today while helping a student find overviews of the Financial Crisis, I came across

"Credit Crisis: The Essentials" from the New York Times.

I like this source because of the way it organizes information regarding the US aspects of the crisis into a coherent overview.

I especially like this source because it links to
The U.S. Financial Crisis: The Global Dimension with Implications for U.S. Policy, from the Congressional Research Service.
Dick K. Nanto, Specialist in Industry and Trade at CRS coordinated the report, which is dated January 29. 2009.

To locate more excellent resources on the Financial Crisis, including Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and IMF portals, see Gene Springs excellent LibGuide
on the Current Economic Recession

GGU University Library staff will be glad to help members of the GGU community find more resources on the financial crisis and other topics.

Congratulations to Terry Connelly, Dean of the Ageno School of Business, for his chapter “The Unintended Consequences of the New Housing Recovery Act,” in the new book "The Financial Crisis, A Thomson Reuters/West Report," published by Thomson Reuters/West 2008. We are rush ordering a copy for the University Library.

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